Sandpit Series #13 Best Bitter

Sandpit Series #13 Best Bitter

Regular price $6.50


Sandpit Series #13 Best Bitter

#13 in our Sandpit Series showcases three classic, high-quality ingredients in all their understated deliciousness.

Few brewing traditions champion small beer as well as that of the UK, with Best Bitter often the flagship offering of any given ale brewery’s roster. Our Sandpit Series #13 – Best Bitter is about as simple as they come in terms of recipe and process – Veloria Ale malt from Voyager Craft Malt in NSW, East Kent Goldings from the UK and an English Ale yeast strain. The end result showcases these classic, high-quality ingredients; perfect for sipping by the pint and session with a pleasing malt balance, hoppy finish and lower abv.

3.7% ABV,  29 IBU

375ml  1.1 Standard Drinks

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Flying a lap of Straddie, in his own private plane, from south to north, with a bird’s-eye view of some of the iconic island destinations that have inspired our beers: the Jumpinpin, the Mid Track, Point Lookout, Manta Bommie, Amity Point, and Myora Springs. All with a Straddie Beer in hand. Touch down at Dunwich to continue the beer adventure in our Island brewery taproom.

Are you ready to be the favourite sibling?

Simply purchase some Straddie Beer online* between 19/08/24 and 30/08/24 for your chance to win this ‘once in a lifetime’ prize for Dad.
Cheers to that!

*competition entry after purchase.

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