Myora Springs Sour + FREE Stubby Holder

Myora Springs Sour + FREE Stubby Holder
Myora Springs Sour + FREE Stubby Holder
Product image 1Myora Springs Sour + FREE Stubby Holder
Product image 2Myora Springs Sour + FREE Stubby Holder

Regular price $72.00 Sale price $82.00

Straddie Brewing Co Stubby Holders (Color)

Carton + Free Stubby Holder Bundle

Don’t miss this chance to save big and gear up with the ultimate beer-drinking companion. Cheers to great beer and cool perks! Grab a carton and score a FREE Straddie Brewing Co stubby holder.

A vibrant homage to place. Zesty desert lime and citrus aromas, subtle minerality with a dry, refreshing tang.

Springing from the mineral rich waters of the river from which it took its name, this modern style Gose ale is co-fermented with lactobacillus, imparting a restrained sourness. Inspired by the mingling fresh and salt water at Myora Springs, our Gose is a surprisingly refreshing blend of sweet wheat and barley malt, sour lactic acid, saline water and bursting with fruity hops and native desert lime.

The perfect palate cleanser and post-surf refresher.

4.5% ABV / 1.3 Standard Drinks

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